Wednesday, November 20, 2013


With the likes of Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus both enjoyed favorable opening week sales, the world has been anticipating the opening week figures of Pop damsel Lady Gaga and her "album of the millennium" ARTPOP.

Flip open the lid to see Mother Monster's opening figures...
Debuting at #1 on Billboard 200 charts, the singer watched her offering opened with 258,000 units, a far cry from her 2011 'Born This Way' album which opened with over 1 million units. 

Well what does this say about the album's performance? Well it looks as if the world is getting tired of the same old tricks Gaga's been performing for the past 5 years. Problematic for the singer and her camp as we've all seen how much money was put in for the album's promotion. 

Now reportedly a new album for 2014, its clear to me that this era will be a short lived one. After all failing to secure a #1 hit without competition Team Gaga would have to now go back to the drawing board and see if they can creating something worth listening. 

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