Monday, December 16, 2013


With news that she is set to open with 617,000 units, Beyonce's 'Beyonce' has become the fastest selling LP since Pop dynamo Taylor Swift's 'Red' last year.  But ofcourse with that success comes alot of questions. While there is no direct hit on the album, how the album end up pulling in big numbers? 

Meet me after the break for more tea...

While not following the traditional way of doing promotions and releasing snippets, the singer rather came like a thief in the night and released an album with 17 FREE videos for her fans to salivate. For had she released snippets of the songs prior to releasing the album, the singer wouldn't have seen these numbers, she's welcoming today. 

So there's a catch, with the album comes 17 music videos for fans viewing pleasure. So with that genius plan, fans would have no choice but to stack up on something that they've been waiting for for two years without knowing what is on the album. For all I know people could be buying the visual album just to watch the videos given that it is paired with the album and selling for $15.99 on iTunes.

I'm sure a certain Rihanna would see these numbers if she pulled this strategy. 

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